Artificial Intelligence
In the starting of the video, Robert Downy Jr. introducing the AI.
AI refers to Artificial Intelligence by which machines think and behaviour like humans. Artificial Intelligence is most popular in the world because the technology is build up more and more according to the need of humans.
Artificial Intelligence works on the principle of Machine Intelligence. Machine Intelligence means to observe the surroundings and take action according to the situations like the actions of good human beings.
It's very useful for many fields like engineering, medical, musician and space research etc.
In the field of musicians, AI is very helpful because those people are physically challenged AI helps these types of people to make the humans parts to work like real part of humans. Therefore, these people are working good with comfortably.AI is working in all the applications like Google, you tube and Instagram and many more. The Machine are also working on the AI. AI help to complete our task perfectly.
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